About GAIA.

Welcome to Gaia, your go-to online resource for everything related to pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-natal periods. Our website features a wide range of relevant and helpful articles on motherhood and child-rearing, along with a unique feature that allows pregnant mothers to receive medical consultations online and schedule appointments with specialist doctors. Additionally, we offer tailored sports and dietary plans for new moms looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Trust Gaia to help guide you through every stage of motherhood with expert advice and support.

About GAIA.

Welcome to Gaia, your go-to online resource for everything related to pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-natal periods. Our website features a wide range of relevant and helpful articles on motherhood and child-rearing, along with a unique feature that allows pregnant mothers to receive medical consultations online and schedule appointments with specialist doctors. Additionally, we offer tailored sports and dietary plans for new moms looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Trust Gaia to help guide you through every stage of motherhood with expert advice and support.

1.Medical consultation

Our platform provides pregnant mothers with access to specialist doctors from the comfort of their own homes. To begin, simply schedule an appointment with one of our qualified physicians and provide them with your medical history and any current health concerns. Our doctors will then assess your individual needs and provide you with personalized advice and guidance throughout your pregnancy journey. We understand that this can be a challenging time, but our team is dedicated to providing you with the support you need to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

2.Necessary cares

At Gaia, we prioritize the health and well-being of mothers and babies. Our essential care tips include regular check-ups with your healthcare provider, following a balanced diet and exercise plan, avoiding harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol, and getting enough rest and sleep to prepare for childbirth. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance.

3. Blogs and announcements

Your ultimate guide to pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-natal periods. Our website offers helpful articles on baby and mother guidance, as well as online medical consultations with specialist doctors. We also provide personalized sports and diet plans for mothers. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional doctor appointments and join our platform today. Let Gaia be your partner in this wonderful journey of motherhood.

At Gaia, we prioritize the health and well-being of mothers and babies. Our essential care tips include regular check-ups with your healthcare provider, following a balanced diet and exercise plan, avoiding harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol, and getting enough rest and sleep to prepare for childbirth. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and guidance.


  • Expert Guidance and Support for Every Stage of Parenthood


Gaia is the ultimate resource for mothers and parents looking for expert guidance and support throughout their journey. Our website offers a comprehensive range of resources, including informative articles on pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-natal care, personalized medical consultations with specialist doctors, and tailored sports and diet recommendations. With all these resources in one place, parents can feel confident that they’re getting the best possible guidance and support through every stage of parenthood.

  • Convenient and Accessible Online Medical Consultations


One of the key features that sets Gaia apart from other baby and mother guidance websites is our online medical consultation service. This service allows pregnant mothers to connect with specialized doctors from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need to travel to a doctor’s office or clinic. Our doctors are highly trained and experienced in providing medical care and advice to expecting mothers, ensuring that they receive the best possible care and support throughout their pregnancies.

  • A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness


At Gaia, we believe that taking care of a child requires attention to many different facets of health and well-being. That’s why we take a holistic approach to supporting mothers and parents, offering guidance on everything from nutrition and exercise to mental health and wellness. Our goal is to provide parents with the tools and resources they need to build a healthy and happy family, by focusing not just on medical care, but on overall health and wellness. By offering a comprehensive range of resources and services, Gaia is the ultimate destination for parents seeking expert guidance and support on their journey through parenthood.

About Us

Aida Asghari Fard

Technical Manager

Shabnam Mohammad Pour


Mohammad Rasekhi


Consultation form for expectant Mothers